Welcome to the Megs, Bria, Kitty, Zoeo & Super Pepper Blog!

We are so glad you stopped by! Please feel free to look around and make yourself at home... Just make sure to wipe your paws first! We are a Fur-friendly (we prefer our fur on LIVE animals, thank you very much) and Earth-loving family (we recycle everything we can and yes, we bring our own bags - deal with it) and would love to hear from you! Leave us a comment if you want (or not). Thanks for visiting, come again soon... :-D

Monday, December 13, 2010

The new me! YAY!

No Photo yet, but I am sure one will come as I slowly get a little bit more satisfied with how this whole weight loss thing is going. I am now at 50 pounds down! I have gone down 4 dress sizes and about 6 inches off my waist! I am so grateful to have been able to have the strength and will-power to allow me to stay strong and stick to my guns during the holiday season so far. I haven't done any baking yet, but I am sure I will be fine through that as well...

Losing this much weight, has made me feel better than I have in years!

The changes that have happened in my life the last few months have been immense. I have not only grown as a person emotionally (not letting anyone else control my life), but my physical will-power is back and I now am happy with the direction my life is going! I will no longer let life just run over me and take it's toll. I will enjoy this journey and I will be healthy doing it! And, if I can look a little better in the process, then all the better as well. I am hoping that my future remains as promising as it looks to be at this point. When one door closes, another one opens, and in my case... the sky is the limit!

Here is to a happy life... here is to love... and may both find me in the coming year!

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